real-time production real-time production real-time production

Wave Atlas, Polar Days // The Tech Interactive

Wave Atlas(2019, Interactive Installation) is a water world teeming with artificial digital life, which users simultaneously create and discover. The more users who interact, the richer and more complex this ecology grows.

Using pinch-and-drag hand gestures tracked via Leap Motion sensors or triggers and movements via HTC Vive controllers. Polar version is an icy themed of the original artwork. The landscape turning into a frozen tundra or an icy lake contrasted by brilliant yellows and pinks of a sunrise / sunset. In the center a sculptural form as an ice cave where creatures swim around in their natural habitat and interact with the audience. Polar is an inviation into an arctic wilderness that feels untouched, yet familiar.

Role: Producer // Studio: Marpi Studio

Code: Marpi
3D Artwork: Will Atwood
Production: Alexandra Sentís

Location: San José, CA, USA

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